Mount your sat nav safely

Take care when using a satellite navigation system.
Sat nav mounted to windscreen
We understand the importance of preparing our cars before a road trip to ensure we get to our destination safely – checking the oil, coolant and tyres, following through with regular servicing and more – but often overlook something that’s right under our noses.

Before heading out on the road, take the time to correctly position your satellite navigation systems. A poorly positioned sat nav can cause major distractions and impact the driver’s view of the road. To determine the correct placement of your sat nav, consider the following:

View and range of vision

A sat nav in the centre of the windscreen can potentially block the view of the road and upcoming hazards. Positioning your sat nav at the top of the windscreen is also not ideal as looking up could be distracting.

Hema Maps Retail Product Manager Ian Glyde said motorists need to find the correct mount and fit for their individual vehicles.

“Mount your sat nav according to governing regulations ensuring it can be easily seen but not obstructing the drivers view of the road or the vehicle controls,” Mr Glyde said.

“People need to find the best fit for them, their vehicle, and their individual driving style while taking into account safety factors including being able to view the road correctly."

Arguably, one of the best positions is the bottom right hand corner of the windscreen. Placed here, the sat nav won’t obstruct your view of the road and is in a place where you can naturally scan (as you look to your right hand rear view mirror).

The power cord

It is important the power cord does not cross your line of vision or have the potential to get caught in the steering wheel, gear shift or any dash instruments. It should also be clear from the accelerator and brake pad.

If placing your sat nav in the lower right-hand side of the windshield, make sure the cord is secured along the top of the dash and down the side of the control panel. Use tape to keep it in place.

Accidents and collisions

Think about what would happen to your sat nav if you were in a collision. Ideally, the device should be placed where it won’t cause any harm to the driver or passenger. Make sure it’s secured to the windshield or dash – you wouldn’t want it to become a dangerous projectile in an accident.

The most important safety consideration is to avoid touching it while on the road. Make sure you only plug in details or make updates when you’re parked and out of harm’s way.

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