Safer cars just a click away


Updated ANCAP website a valuable resource for consumers checking the safety of new and used cars.   

Isuzu D-Max ute being c rash-tested by ANCAP.

Updates to the Australia’s leading ANCAP safety website promise to make it easier for consumers to check the safety rating of their current or prospective new or used car.

A statement from the Australasian New Car safety Program (ANCAP) said the independent safety organisation had launched the revised website to provide consumers with additional ways to explore the latest information on vehicle safety and its test process.

Featuring new tools and search functionality, the updated website allows visitors to easily view the safety ratings for over 830 new and used vehicle models, ANCAP said.  

A new ‘help me choose’ tool allows users to build a list of safer vehicle choices based on their individual usage needs, while a new ‘search by brand’ option caters for brand-loyalists and those who’ve already refined their purchasing decision to a specific make.  

Enhanced filtering on the new site gives visitors the ability to further refine or expand search results, while fresh content profiling the key aspects of safer vehicles, the range of tests conducted, definitions of each star rating level, and the new safety technologies fitted to today’s new cars has also been included.

Explanatory videos and animations are also included, making it easier to understand the ANCAP safety rating process.

“Whether you’re an older driver looking to purchase a safe and small city run-about; a fleet manager needing to prioritise both safety and low emissions for your corporate fleet; a new parent wanting to provide your family with a safe ride large enough to accommodate the pram and the groceries; or a tradie needing to find a dual cab ute with the latest safety features, the new search tools available on the ANCAP website will present a list of safer options to meet your specific needs,” ANCAP Chief Executive Officer Carla Hoorweg said.

“The ANCAP website is far more than just a platform to search for safety ratings.

“ It provides a wealth of information allowing users to better understand vehicle safety features and learn what and how we test.

“A lot has changed over the past few decades to enhance the safety of vehicles available in our market and visitors to the ANCAP website can see just how far things have progressed as well as gain an insight into what will be incorporated into the ANCAP rating mix from 2023.”

Visit the website for more information.

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