RACQ Education Team teaches more than 63,000 students in 2023


RACQ continues to prioritise teaching road safety lessons to students across the State as the road toll remains alarmingly high.

Over the past five years, RACQ’s education programs have reached areas as far north as the Torres Strait islands, south to Texas and west to Camooweal and Mornington Island.

During 2023, RACQ’s road safety programs were taught at 274 schools covering remote areas such as Mossman, Charleville and Dalby.

Covering everything from bike and pedestrian safety to empowering adolescents to make safer, well-informed choices both as a driver and passenger, RACQ strives to change the culture of road safety among the youngest Queenslanders.  

The Education Team in action teaching the Streets Ahead Program to primary school students. 


This year, the Club introduced a new program aimed at combating driver distraction, which is one of the five major causes of death on Queensland roads – colloquially known as the Fatal 5.

The new program explores the key themes of brain development, the social nature of adolescents and their use of technology to examine the interrelated concepts of feelings, friends, phones, and cognitive overload as they relate to travelling in a vehicle.

RACQ Manager Education Rhonda McKenzie said the program helped young drivers develop reactive and proactive strategies to keep them safe on the road.

“Last year distracted drivers were to blame for almost 10% of deaths on Queensland roads *,” Mrs McKenzie said.

“Our new program aims to teach students the importance of recognising the signs and symptoms of being overwhelmed and distracted behind the wheel.

“The new program equips participants with tangible strategies to take greater control over their own road safety.”

The team continued to expand its reach with the Streets Ahead Program being taught to more than 900 primary school students in Mission Beach and Tully for the first time.

“We were really proud to reach new locations in 2023 and to continue expanding our reach for road safety education across Queensland,” Mrs McKenzie said.


The team posing for photos with participants of RACQ's education programs.

 *Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads data 1 January to 31 October 2022.

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