Lodge your Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance claim

If you need to make a claim on your CTP insurance reach out to us online, in store or over the phone. We’ll guide you through the claims process regardless of who was at fault, or who has been injured. 

Start my claim 

Important changes to RACQ CTP Insurance
RACQ has withdrawn from Queensland’s Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Scheme, effective 1 October 2023.

How to make your CTP Insurance claim

  • icon-step-1
    Report the incident to police

    All incidents resulting in CTP claims need to be reported to the police within 24 hours.

  • icon-step-2
    Complete the Notice of Accident Claim Form

    If you’re injured and not the at fault driver

    You should record your version of the incident by completing a Notice of Accident Claim Form. Make sure that your doctor completes the medical certificate section, and that the form is returned to the at-fault driver’s CTP insurer within 9 months of you first being aware of any injuries. You can contact the MAIC CTP Claims Helpline on 1800 CTP QLD (1800 287 753) if you don't know who their insurer is.

    If you’re injured and you are the at fault driver

    If your policy commenced prior to 29th July, 2021, you may be entitled to claim under your At Fault Driver Injury Insurance policy. To do this, you need to complete the Notice of Accident Form and send it to:

    RACQ Insurance
    CTP Claims
    PO Box 3004
    Logan City DC QLD 4114

    We’ll then contact you and tell you what the next step is in the RACQ CTP claims process.

    If you’re the at-fault driver and someone else is hurt

    You don’t need to complete and lodge the Notice of Accident Claim Form. Just swap insurance details with the injured party so they can submit this form to us. We’ll be in touch with you once we receive their form.

  • icon-step-3
    Gather your documents

    Regardless of who is at fault, it’s a good idea to keep a record of:

    • Date and time of the incident
    • Location of incident
    • Details of other people or cars involved
    • All of your motor vehicle repair documentation and/or claim details.

    If you received a demand or a claim from another party where they are at-fault in a motor vehicle accident, they can contact us directly on 1800 680 076  or they can also contact MAIC for further information.

  • icon-step-4
    Leave your CTP claim with us

    Once the Notice of Accident Claim Form is submitted, we’ll get to work on your claim and contact you when it has been actioned. If you have questions about your claim, you can contact us via:


    Email our dedicated claims team at ctpclaims@racq.com.au


    Call us Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5.00pm on 1800 680 076.


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Things to note

Insurance products (excluding Travel Insurance) are issued by RACQ Insurance Limited ABN 50 009 704 152 (RACQ). Conditions, limits and exclusions apply. This is general advice only and may not be right for you. This information does not take your personal objectives, circumstances or needs into account. Read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and any applicable Supplementary PDS before making a purchase decision on this product. You can also access our Target Market Determinations on this website.