Helping to maximise mobility choices through safe, accessible and connected public transport

Public transport is essential for achieving a safe, accessible and efficient transport system. Without public transport, people mobility choices are limited and often this leads to transport disadvantage which reinforces social inequity. Public transport is the best form of transport to move more people - more efficiently, which at a larger scale private vehicles just cannot compete.

Queensland’s metropolitan and regional towns are generally dispersed, low-density and like many city regions in Australia and the US, with a few big centres with higher concentrations of jobs, tertiary education and specialised health services. Continued growth is causing governments and authorities to grapple with how to manage congestion while increasing both our housing supply and urban density. South East Queensland (SEQ) in particular is being transformed by population growth – the growth rate is among the highest in the developed world.

By 2046 there will be nearly 6 million people in SEQ – more than there is Greater Sydney or Greater Melbourne today. In 2046 SEQ will be a pulsating large city region. With an additional two million people living and working spread between Noosa, Coolangatta and Toowoomba transport will be one of our biggest challenges. We have a choice – we can be a large city region that is either congested, economically stagnant and inequitable or a liveable, economically vibrant city for all people with mobility choices.

As the State’s population continues to grow, particularly in South East Queensland, transport demand will increase not only based on population growth. As our industries and labour market continue to experience knowledge intensification, we will continue to see demand for specialised jobs and services meaning longer trips on top of increased transport demand from population growth. Demands for goods and freight will also only continue to increase.

Of the top four cities in Australia, we have the lowest public transport use, and least amount of dwellings within 400metres of high frequency public transport. Brisbane also has the greatest reliance on buses coming directly into any major capital city centre, meaning we have a large, inefficient, and complicated of bus network.

Things to note

The information in this article has been prepared for general information purposes only and is not intended as legal advice or specific advice to any particular person. Any advice contained in the document is general advice, not intended as legal advice or professional advice and does not take into account any person’s particular circumstances. Before acting on anything based on this advice you should consider its appropriateness to you, having regard to your objectives and needs.