Frequently Asked Questions

Congratulations on submitting your RACQ Foundation Community Grants Program application.

Below are some frequently asked questions which we hope will answer any initial queries you have about the review and grants process.

What is the timeline after my application is submitted?

  • Step 1: review and assessment
  • Step 2: grant recipients presented to RACQ Foundation Board
  • Step 3: due diligence and reference checks (only for successful applicants)
  • Step 4: issue of grant agreements (only for successful applicants)

Steps 1 to 2 can take approximately eight (8) weeks.

When will I find out the outcome of my grant application?

Following the closing date (see website for dates), the review and assessment period will take approximately 8 weeks. You will be notified of the outcome of your application following this review period via email.

If my application is approved, how long will it take to receive my grant?

Once you have submitted your application, the review period from the closing date is approximately 8 weeks. If your organisation is successful, an additional 4 weeks is required for due diligence and the issuing of the grant agreement.

What is due diligence?

Due diligence is an investigation, audit or review performed by RACQ Foundation to confirm the facts of a project and the legitimacy of the organisation under consideration for the Community Grant Program.

When will you conduct reference checks?

Reference checks are conducted following preliminary approval to confirm legitimacy of an organisation and the project being funded. This process is conducted by email and/or phone.

What is a grant agreement?

A grant agreement is a legal document signed between your organisation and RACQ Foundation to formalise the grant process and to ensure the grant is dispersed through the agreed terms.

If my application is approved, how long we do we have to complete our project?

You will have 6 months to complete your project from the date you receive preliminary approval.

If this length of time is not achievable, please contact RACQ Foundation to discuss.

Will we receive a grant cheque if we are approved?

No. RACQ Foundation provide your grant by paying for invoices on behalf of your organisation (for example, the Foundation will pay a tradesperson or supplier directly) or will reimburse your costs if the project has already been completed. Please note that your organisation’s trading name must appear on any invoices to be paid (RACQ Foundation is not to be named).

How are grant payments made?

RACQ Foundation will pay for any invoices related to your project on behalf of your organisation or provide a reimbursement on provision of proof of payment and an invoice. Payments are made via EFT.

My organisation is registered for GST, how will this affect my grant?

If your organisation is registered for GST, RACQ Foundation will only pay the ex-GST component on any invoice. Your organisation will be responsible for the payment of the GST component as this can be claimed back by your organisation at the end of the tax year. This will also be the case for reimbursements.

We have already paid for the project; can we receive a reimbursement?

If your project is approved, RACQ Foundation can reimburse you for costs related to the project.

In this case, you will need to provide an invoice and proof of payment as well as your organisation’s bank details for payment of the reimbursement.

Are we required to promote the grant received from RACQ Foundation?

There is no obligation for your organisation to provide acknowledgement or promote RACQ Foundation, however, it would be greatly appreciated if you would like to show your appreciation. Please contact RACQ Foundation at if you would like to discuss grant acknowledgement.

How do I contact RACQ Foundation?

Please contact RACQ Foundation Coordinators at which is monitored during business hours. Please allow 1 – 3 business days for a response.