RACQ celebrates Bernie’s 75 years of membership

An RACQ patrol has made an extra special pitstop to Maryborough to honour one of the Club’s longest-serving members.

In 1949, 16-year-old car lover Bernie Williams had just received his licence when his mum convinced him to join the Club.

75 years later, armed with a bright bunch of yellow sunflowers and some RACQ goodies, Patrol Officer David Guimaraes made the trip to Maryborough to celebrate Bernie’s incredible milestone.

The 91-year-old reflected on why he became a member all those years ago.

“My mother used to say, you’re always driving around Bernie, sneaking around the country, and dipping over the border, what would happen if you broke down, you better join the RACQ,” Bernie said.

RACQ Patrol Officer David Guimaraes said it was always a joy to meet members like Bernie, but it was rare to celebrate such a significant anniversary.

“Today you can see that Bernie is over the moon that we’ve noticed and recognised his contribution and time with RACQ,” David said.

“It really is so rewarding when you go to visit someone like Bernie and you can get them moving and back on the road again.”

Bernie recalled his first car registered with RACQ was a 1936 Morris Eight with a canvas hood.

“It was small, it was red, you’d get the wind blowing through you with the hood down. The hood was down more than it was up,” he laughed.

Bernie says plenty has changed over the years when it comes to motoring.

“The potholes were awful back then, from Tiaro to Maryborough it was like saplings with bitumen poured over it, it was that rough,” he said.

“But you didn’t have the hoons back then like what you’ve got today or the skateboards or shopping baskets!”.

One thing that’s never wavered is Bernie’s loyalty to RACQ and his trust that the Club will always be there when he needs it most.

“It’s good to know you can go anywhere, I can hook up to a van and take a caravan and just go and if anything happens, I can just ring the number. It’s peace of mind.”

Watch the video to hear more from Bernie.

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